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Tailored Workshops for Corporate as well as personal needs:Grief affects us all!

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Grief affects us all! There is a real need to address this topic, and how it affects people in the workspace. The best option to discuss your needs for your organisation is to book a chat with Marie.

There are certain themes that are recurring, such as Grief in the Workplace or Embracing Anger.

Marie’s approach is different, versatile, and always focuses on healing.

Grief is still a topic that is not talked about enough, or makes people feel uncomfortable - often resulting in awkwardness, avoidance, or sometimes even in rather hurtful comments.

Marie brings a refreshing openness to the topic, and helps with language around grief, to support you in supporting others.

Grief doesn’t have to cause such uncomfortable silence. Let’s talk about it!

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Most people returning from a bereavement break struggle to reintegrate into their team. It can feel rather disruptive to both the returning person, as well as to your team and workflow, without the support needed for this delicate reintegration process. Do you know how to foster your team members, to make their transition feel supportive? 

Key objectives of Grief affects us all

  • Grief and its usual misconceptions

  • Introducing a different approach to grief

  • Impact a bereaved person can have on your team

  • How to support your staff through grief, and strengthen your team

Duration: 90 minutes

This interactive workshop is recommended for 10-15 people, to keep it personal.

Marie also offers the option of 1:1 sessions after the workshop, for those who have personal questions they are not ready to share, or for those who might be triggered by a loss in the workspace.

Talk to Marie.

Embracing Anger Image

Embracing Anger is a workshop Marie originally put together to present at “Camp Widow®”. After the incredible impact it had on the audience, Marie decided to keep offering to address Anger from a healing perspective.

Main objectives of this workshop are:

  • The truth about Anger: The vast majority of us finds it easier to be mad rather than hurt.

  • Discovering what Anger actually is.

  • Dissolving Anger by understanding its root cause, and healing what triggers it in the first place.

Duration: Approximately 45 minutes

Book a chat with Marie to discuss the setting for which you would like to offer this life-changing topic. Embracing Anger can be offered as a talk or workshop.